Weddings come in many different styles, from the large and formal social event to the small, intimate family gathering.
What style are you?
1. You think of yourself as somewhat:
A. Traditional.
B. Romantic.
C. Sporty.
D. Creative.
2. You prefer gatherings that are:
A. Large and organized.
B. Proper but special.
C. Relaxed and intimate.
D. Fun and unusual.
3. You think of your wedding as:
A. A social event for family, friends and associates.
B. An occasion to celebrate with family and friends.
C. A quiet time to share with special friends and family.
D. An event you want all your friends to participate in.
4. Which is most important to you:
A. Pomp and circumstance.
B. Subtle beauty.
C. A private and low-key atmosphere.
D. Drama and flair.
5. Your dream wedding gown is:
A. Elegantly decorated, with a train a mile long.
B. Basically traditional but with a unique touch.
C. A romantic tea-length dress.
D. Very unusual and very "you."
6. Your budget is:
A. Large; you needn't spare any expenses.
B. Ample but not limitless.
C. Limited; you'd like to cut costs without skimping on quality.
D. Small but you plan on doing much of the work yourself.
7. The part of your wedding that you refuse to compromise on is:
A. A large reception.
B. Your wedding gown.
C. The elegance of the ceremony.
D. An exotic and romantic honeymoon trip.
8. You, your fiancée and your families have:
A. Many friends and associates.
B. Many friends but few associates.
C. A small circle of friends and family.
D. A close group of long-time friends.
Give yourself four points for each "a" answer, three for each "b", two for each "c" and one for each "d."
25 to 32 points - a formal wedding would most likely fit your style best.
18 to 24 points - you're probably leaning more toward having a semi-formal event.
12 to 17 points was your final score, an informal wedding would probably be more your style.
8 to 11 points, a theme wedding might be just right for you.
Formal weddings are large, elegant events that follow strict rules of etiquette. They are usually held in a church or synagogue, with a reception following in a hotel ballroom, private club, catering hall or at home. There are at least 100 guests, and sometimes 200 or more. The bride wears a white, ivory or pastel floor-length gown with both a train and veil. She can have from 2 to 12 bridesmaids, who will wear long or tea-length dresses. The groom and his attendants wear formal attire, cutaway coats for daytime, black or white tie and tails or black tuxedos for evening. Guests may be asked to dress formally as well. The reception is usually elaborate: a sit-down luncheon or dinner is served and an orchestra is hired to provide dancing music.
The semi-formal event follows many of the same conventions as a formal wedding, but there is a little more leeway allowed in planning. It also is held in a church, synagogue, hotel, club, catering hall or home, and usually 100 or fewer guests are invited. The bride's dress is floor or tea-length, and her veil is elbow-length or shorter. Her attendants' dresses are in a style that complements her gown. The groom and his attendants wear dark, formal suits, dinner jackets or gray or black strollers. The reception that follows includes light refreshments in the form of a breakfast buffet, brunch or cocktail party.
An informal wedding can be held almost anywhere and may be any style you wish. Although they are usually small, intimate events with 50 or fewer guests, they can also be larger affairs. Second weddings are often informal. There are no guidelines for apparel, though many brides choose street or tea-length dresses or pastel suits. The reception may include a meal such as a brunch buffet or light refreshments (tea and finger sandwiches, for example).
If drama and excitement are what you're after, you and your fiancée might decide to tie the knot in a way that symbolizes something unique about your relationship. Theme weddings tend to be smaller gatherings in unusual places, aboard a yacht, in a park or garden, on the beach, at a historical site, on a mountain trail or wherever your hearts may take you. Formality of dress is determined by the location. Invitations, favors, flowers and so on can all reflect your theme throughout the day.